Its peace of mind for you.......... and your business

Whats included with BUSINESS Guard:


Technical BUSINESS Guard Support

As part our BUSINESS Guard service we are here to assist with any technical users you might have that concerns our software applications (Not Microsoft Windows). For the majority of 'End User' issues (how you do something) there are screen cast which explains in details how to achieve a task. If there is not a screen cast then please contact us for advice.


Backing up your data

We will set up the cloud account for you and advise you of the best way to back up or use whatever backup medium you prefer. All you then need to do is push a few buttons each day to ensure a complete back up of your data - backing up off site (to the cloud) is the best way to safeguard against either the theft of a PC or fire etc, both of which can result of the loss of our complete customer database.



Compact and Service

We all need some 'tender love and care' every so often - and your data files that hold all your customer information are no different. Every 4 months we will contact you so we can carry out a service on your data files. By doing this periodically ensures that your data files are in the best condition, happy and healthy!


Updates and Upgrading

Keeping your software up to date is often forgotten which means that you are not always benefiting from the latest version of our software and all the benefits that come with this, so as part of our service you can be assured that we will take over this task for you. We will never upgrade your PC without getting your approval first. Upgrading to the latest version of your software (with the same version number) is free of charge with BUSINESS Guard